New Ideas for spirit days

At Ross School we don’t have very many spirit days, and lots of people like them and desire more. So I asked middle school students what type of spirit day they would want. Here were the options.
No homework day: No Homework day is a day where no middle school teacher is allowed to assign homework. They also can’t give kids double homework the next day.
Dress as your favorite movie character: This day is when you can dress up as any movie character from any movies.
Hawaiian day: On Hawaiian day you dress up in Hawaiian clothes and you wear flower necklaces and learn how to do the hula. Also you could pack a hawaiian lunch and the hot lunch would be hawaiian.
Hat day: Hat day is a day where you can wear crazy hats and not have to take them off in class.
Pirate day: Pirate day is when you dress up as a pirate and make boats to sail down the Ross Creek.
College day: College day is when everyone wears a college shirt and or sweatshirt.
A lot of kids would like any of these days so hopefully teachers see this and take these ideas into account.