Splatoon 3 Hero Mode: Reviewed

Hello everybody! My name is Austin and today I am going to review Nintendo’s latest game: Splatoon 3. I will review the story mode in this game. WARNING: THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS.

Right as you enter The Splatlands, you and your pal Smallfry see an older man who looks like he has been part of a war because of the badges on his hawaiian shirt. when you enter the pipe, he yells about these things called “Octarians”. but then he tells you that his name is “Cap’n Cuttlefish” and tells you about the Squidbeak Splatoon, which has been existing since the creation of this weird world.

“Cap’n Cuttlefish

He gives you a yellow suit with special technology, and you notice this weird, fuzzy ooze. Cap’n tells you about this peculiar ooze and tells you what happens when you get in contact. You will pretty much turn into a burnt tater tot if you do.

burnt tater tot lol

After some exhausting work of bustin’ octarians and clearing a path through the fuzzy ooze, you meet the main bad guy (from previous games) D.J Octavio.

d.j octavio in his new robot

After beating him, Cap’n catches up and realizes that he wasn’t the one who caused this. Seconds later, everyone falls into a dark abyss. While falling you lose cap’n along with parts of your gear.

After the fall, you enter ‘The Alterna’, where the snow isn’t cold, and fuzzy ooze is everywhere. You see a camp up ahead, and head for it. the people there are friendly, and that’s when you meet agent 1, 2, and the captain of the NEW squidbeak splatoon, (cuttlefish retired, so agent 3 of old squidbeak became cap’n).

New Squidbeak splatoon

After they introduce themselves, your only choice is to collect power eggs for smallfry, and explore the alterna.

After beating up octarians and getting to a large pipe, you are stopped by a mysterious group of people.

This group “deep cut” say they are treasure hunters, and introduces there names.

big man

You decide to keep going through the large pipe and end up in a factory, which is of course covered in fuzzy ooze. But his place is different, you see a strong signal on top of one of the towers. you head up there and enter the kettle. When entered, you see frye guarding “treasure” (picture above with her shows that). She says that to get it , you will have to get through her. she then gets on a huge box that shoots eels. It wasn’t that hard to beat he and claim the so called treasure.

You clear out the ooze to make a path to the next pipe and head through. the next island had no people trying to collect treasure or splat you there so you make a path without trouble.

After going through another pipe (I know its repetitive, just that’s kinda what you have to do) but you notice another signal, and its a little stronger than last time, almost thinking that cuttlefish is actually there. You head up there with no hesitation. But of course, its just another deep cut member, shiver. She says that you can’t have this either, and you have to get through her. a giant cage drops surrounding the arena, while shiver jumps on her megalodon and the battle begins. The shark was usually under the ink, occasionally flinging some at you. then, the shark decides to attack you from under, but as the shark opens his mouth, you swiftly dodge and lil bud jumps in. Don’t worry, hes not dead. Lil bud attacks from the inside, fatiguing the shark out in the open giving you the chance to take shiver out.

Another piece of “treasure” collected, and a new area is available. You slip through the pipe to see flooded office buildings with others around. The strongest signal yet appears at the top of the highest building. entering, you see another deep cut member, big man. You cant really understand him because he only says “ay”, but you kinda get the message. This was different though, he didn’t use any special weapon, and used some kindness while fighting. You beat him, exposing the last piece of “treasure”.

You and Smallfry head back to camp and think with your team what this treasure is. But agent 1 exclaims it might have something to do with the spiky fuzz surrounding the rocket. The team combines and fixes the “treasure” into a machine that could cut large amounts of hard objects.

The captain picks up the bulky machine, and gets rid of the large amount of fuzzy ooze surrounding a rocket. you head over to the rocket, and you see that captain bruised a tentacle, and you need to head on by yourself. As you’re about to head up, deep cut confronts you again. They threaten you for the treasure, if they will fight again. But callie says “Oh that thing, were done with it. its yours!” deep cut is shocked, but then sorry for fighting your team, and decide to join. Finally, you head up the rocket, and search for cuttlefish.

It was quite a long climb, but you made it to where the signal was super strong. When you head to where the source is, its to late.


But, of course, he’s not the only thing there.

Mr grizz

Mr. grizz was the one behind this all. he put the fuzzy ooze around. he stole the octarians (and made them cursed 😐 ), and worst of all, he dried up cuttlefish. mr grizz explains that he was doing this to restore balance, keeping all fish in the sea, and all mammals on land. he then jumps on the rocket, and says goodbye to you, and the world.

Just as you think cuttlefish is gone, a drop of water was put on him, and he was alive (but looking like spaghetti bolognese). After the large reunion, you remember the rocket. again, as you think its all over, deep cut steals the spotlight.

They use things from previous fights to make a way up to space, and big man gives you the gear to breath up there.

You and smallfry break the sound barrier, and see mr grizz. “I think you earned a break.” says Mr. grizz. you start to head closer to him, and using smallfry to beat him up. after a while, things get tough. He flings you off the rocket

You accept your fate, and float into space for the rest of your life, SIKE. D.J. octavio and his robot from before saves you were flung off. Now’s your chance to end this. the squid sisters sing a heavenly melody, evolving smallfry into big fry (what is this pokemon now?!). a giant vacuum is activated, and you use it to suck up the fuzzballs, and fling Mr. grizz off, and now he’s in space for eternity. Smallfry become smallfry when you head back down though.

This concludes the game.

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