Middle Schoolers Beat up on High Schoolers

By: Lila Nahrgang

This past week three 8th graders: Olivia, Lila, and Chip, and two 7th graders: James and Ava K, took a trip over to the Santa Cruz mountains to participate in the Forestry Challenge.

A tree canopy at Camp Butano in the Redwood Glen Forest

Throughout the trip, we learned a myriad of new skills to help us in our forestry adventures. The following include: measuring the DBH (diameter in breast height) of trees, the density of canopies to lower the effect of ladder fuels in forest fires, and much more.

The trip was extremely successful, considering we beat the Branson team by 7 places (we placed 5th out of 28 and they placed 12th out of 28). Not only that, but we did so well that we were accepted to the championships whilst Branson was not. Go Ross Bears!

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