2022 FIFA World Cup

The men’s FIFA world cup has begun and new players are coming and going due to retirement. Unlike past years the tournament is taking place in the winter in Qatar because of extreme temperatures in the summer. The first match was on November 20 with Qatar facing Ecuador. Considering it is the most viewed and famous soccer tournament in the world the pressure is on for players and adoring fans. We have asked some students questions including, are you excited about the world cup, are you sad about who is leaving, what team are you rooting for, have you watched it yet.

Reese Goodenough says: “I’m very excited for the world cup, but extremely devastated for the impressive players leaving. I will be voting for the USA all day.”

Jack Hilleboe added: “I will be watching the world cup this year, and I’m not sad new players are coming or going. Germany will no doubt win.” 

Jordan mentioned: “Oh yeah, I’m very excited to watch the world cup with my family and friends. We will be representing the US”. 

We may be sad for the powerful athletes leaving but are extremely excited to witness the greatest soccer tournament ever. 

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